Our Staff and Elders
Email: jedgillis@berean.me
Jed Gillis: Teaching and Discipleship Pastor
Hello, my name is Jed Gillis, and I serve as the pastor of teaching and discipleship at Berean Bible Church. As a college student, my plan was to pursue music education and performance; however, God pursued me by shining the light of his glory into my life. He drew me from that pursuit to center my life around loving his glory and helping others to do the same. Ultimately, that desire led me to pursue a Master of Divinity from Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am now in the process of completing a Doctorate in Theological Studies, also from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
I have grown to love the local church as a place of teaching, fellowship, encouragement, and worship. Therefore it is my joy to serve Christ as the greatest treasure by serving his people in the local church. I am grateful for every opportunity to passionately proclaim God's Word and help others to treasure him. I have been in pastoral ministry for over 10 years, and I have also served in a Christian school as a Bible teacher and band director. God has given me a wonderful wife, Erica, and 4 children. I enjoy exercise, reading, music, board games, and sports, especially soccer.
I would love to get to know you better and I would be happy to help you to know more about God and his ways, Berean Bible Church and its ministries, or any other way that I can assist you.
Phil. 3:7 - "But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
Email: jonfarra@berean.me
Jon Farra: Executive Pastor
My name is Jon Farra. What a joy it is to see God's Word taught, families discipled and teams developed so that all can pursue their best before the Lord and each other.
I was hired at Berean as a middle school Bible and history teacher in 2005. I've been a teacher, principal, head of school and a pastor and have degrees in Bible, psychology and education. After college, I also had the opportunity to teach English overseas. I am married to a wonderful and Godly woman and we are blessed with six children. Running, reading, and real estate are all activities I enjoy. And like most matters, doing so with others can be a lot of fun.
Let me know how I can serve you and your family, as we all celebrate God's grace and peace!
“To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”
Col 1:27-28--
Email: georgewaller@berean.me
George Waller: Teaching Pastor, Emeritus
Hello, my name is George Waller. I serve as the Teaching Pastor Emeritus at Berean Bible Church and as the Headmaster of Berean Christian School for 14 years, and have been a long-time member of Berean Bible Church. I received my B.A. from Columbia International University and an M.A. with Honors from Liberty University. I also received a Certificate in Business from MIT and completed postgraduate work at the University of Tennessee. Prior to joining the faculty at BCS, I served as pastor of Cedar Grove Baptist Church in Kingston, Tennessee. In addition to having a counseling practice for many years, I and my wife, Judy, have two children and four grandchildren. I have a passion for music, reading, and traveling, and I would love to get to know you better!
Our Elders
Kim Carter - Elder Board Chairman
Email: carter.kim1001@gmail.com
Jay Francis - Elder Board Vice Chairman
Email: jayjudyfrancis@gmail.com
I and my wonderful wife, Judy Lynn, have been at Berean for over 40 years. During that time God has used Berean to build in me a deep love for His Word, the local church, and missions. As a result, I have served on the Berean Christian School Board, the church’s Deacon and Elder Boards, and as a Sunday School teacher, and youth ministry worker.
I grew up in South Knoxville and love God’s beautiful creation as it is exhibited in East Tennessee. Judy and I go for daily walks at various parks through our area and enjoy camping and travel across North America and beyond.
After procuring a degree in metallurgical engineering at the University of Tennessee, most of my adult life I worked for automotive parts manufacturers. However, in 2005 Judy and I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in preparation for 12 years service as missionaries with SEND International in Kyiv Ukraine.
Favorite verse: Col. 1:26b - 27 - … to His saints, to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Craig Laman
Email: craiglaman@gmail.com
I have been privileged to attend Berean for over 30 years. I even came to Christ while at Berean. I have been married to Tina for 45 years, have two sons and five grandchildren. I have enjoyed helping in children’s ministries, leading adult Sunday School and community groups, and leading Bible Studies in a Knox County jail ministry. I enjoy studying the Bible, spending time with grandchildren, walking, reading, and various sports.
My favorite Bible verse is, “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things.” Romans 8:32
Dan Coker
Email: retcoker@aol.com
Hi, I’m Dan Coker. I am married to a wonderful lady, Jamie, and we have 7 kids, 13 grand children and 1 great grand child. I am a grad of Tennessee Tech with a BS Music Ed. and MA Ed from Tusculum. I taught band 31 years; worked for a pharmacy 16 years between Kroger and Methodist Medical in Oak Ridge; also taught evenings in Prof. Studies at UT.
I worked with children’s and youth choirs at Ridgeview Bapt., youth choir and adult choir at Arlington Bapt., and served interim music at several other churches. I love music and kids, praising my Lord, and volunteering with Knoxville Inner City Kids Outreach (KICKO), changing Knoxville one life at a time. See us online at >kicko.org<.
Lynn Kohler
Email: lynnkohler777@gmail.com
Privileged to grow up in a home where my father was a bi-vocational pastor of small churches and my mother was the best Sunday School teacher ever, I accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was four years old. From the beginning of my teen years, I was blessed with a Christian education at the secondary, collegiate and seminary level. After pastoring for 20 years I came to Berean in 2001 because I needed shepherding. God needed to do some extensive renovation of my heart – and he transformed me by His grace. My greatest joy is to serve God’s people in the local church, especially teaching and applying the Scriptures.
Our Deacons
Tim McKeehan - Deacon Board Chairman
Email: 2934fountainpark@gmail.com
Deacon Board Members
Tom Zimmerman
Dave Obenschain
Patrick Core
Chris Hundley
BCS School Board
Ken Brady - School Board Chairman
Email: ken.brady.biblica@gmail.com
Lyle Harris - Missions Committee Chairman
Email: lyle.harris60@gmail.com
Kathy Davis - Women’s Committee Chairwoman
Email: oma.redpath@gmail.com
School Board Members
Margie Whitaker
Kensey Zimmerman
Jimmy Cannington
Rich Smith
Susanna Smith